There's a new baby coming into our family early next year. My brother and sister in law's third child. I wanted to include my future nephew or niece in my Christmas pressie giving so made a mobile from what I had at home. I thought I'd try and wrote a how to in case you also wanted to make one.
You'll need:
- red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple ribbon cut in the following lengths: red 45cm, orange 40cm, yellow 35cm, green 30cm, blue 25cm and purple 20cm.
- white fabric and cotton
- stuffing
- fishing line string
- 2 buttons with matching embroidery thread
- red or pink embroidery thread
-an embroidery needle
-a sewing machine ( but you could easily hand sew it)
1. With right sides together- draw a cloud shape on the fabric allowing for a 1.5cm hem.
2. Cut the cloud shape out
3. On the right side of one piece sew on the button eyes and stitch a mouth
4. Pin right sides facing each other
5. Along the bottom of the cloud remove a pin at at time and insert the ribbons so that they're inside the cut out cloud pieces ( see the picture). Start on the left with red and finish on the right with purple.
I've moved the fabric a bit so you can see that the ribbon is inside |
6. Sew around the cloud leaving a gap at the top of the cloud for putting the stuffing in
7. Remove the pins and turn the cloud inside out so that the right side is out.
8. Stuff it
9. Sew the opening shut
10. Use a needle to thread a piece of fishing wire at the top of the cloud towards the left of the centre point, and carry this thread over to the right side of the cloud- thread through and knot.
11. Find the centre balance point on this string and tie a second longer piece of fishing wire in the middle point- experiement a bit to find where it hangs best.
Whew! Tutorials are not very easy to write!
The fabric I used was an off white piece of crushed silk my best friend gave me- it was left over from making her wedding dress : ) I like the bumpiness of it - I think white felt would also look good.
Here's the finished product- I hope baby T likes it.
Joining in with Sunshine x3's show & Tell