

Wednesday 21 November 2012

a fabric wrapped 5

I'd been looking for a 5 to go on M's wall at her party next month. I liked this one,

picture source: http://lowescreativeideas.com/idea-library/projects/Pom-Pom_Number.aspx

 but would have had to buy 2 boxes of coffee filters and some spray paint to make it.

Yarn wrapping, which I love, is really big on the internet lately...

Picture source: http://bkids.typepad.com/bookhoucraftprojects/2011/09/project-93-yarn-font.html

but I didn't have enough time ( or yarn/ wool) to do that so decided to wrap strips of fabric around a big piece of wire shaped like a 5.

I used pva glue to attach it and clothes pegs to hold it all together as it dried. I want it to sit quite flat on the wall so will have to think of a way to get it like that- it's a bit bent and 'sticky outy' at the moment.

We'll hang it above the party food table. M wanted the pom poms as " they're like the white ones on Tinkerbell's shoes".  : )

So you get an idea of how big it is- not very practical to yarn wrap!

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