

Tuesday, 30 April 2013

a wedding day linky

 I love everything about weddings. I oooohhh and ahhhh over the gorgeous images on Pinterest. I could quite easily and happily plan another wedding ( to the same man of course!).

We had a friend take our wedding photos and she made them into a treasured book that we shared with family and friends. There does come a time not long after the big day though when it's not really acceptable for you to whip out the album for visitors...

We have some of our favourite photos displayed at home but the book is now tucked away in a cupboard.  Every now and then I will get it out and reminisce. I did this again recently and it got me thinking.

Wouldn't it be fun for those of us that are married to take a walk down memory lane and share a little about our wedding day? I think we'd enjoy reading about them and seeing all the different locations, details, and fashions. Well I know I would!

I married my lovely man in November 2010. He continues to support and care for me through all that the last few years has thrown at us. It's amazing what a couple can get through together when the love is there isn't it? He also happens to be the best dad in the world xo

We were really happy with how our day turned out (despite the rain!). We had the ceremony and reception at a friend's home. I enjoyed putting together the many d.i.y touches and it was wonderful having our children with us. The food and speeches were the best and sitting in the marque together at the end of the night with the candles still twinkling was really romantic.


So I hope your enjoyed my photos. Please gather up some of yours, take some time, write a post about your day and then link in below. This collection will be open for ages so just come back. Please visit any other posts and comment. I'm sure you'll enjoy them- who doesn't love a wedding ?!

barbie and aragorn go paddle boating

This idea came out of a bit of of guilt really. Recently I took the kids 'baby' toys out of our bath and gave or threw them away. I was sick of having to move them aside to shower, they looked messy and some were getting 'manky'. T was a little bit devastated so I made them this.

The picture tells it all really. Just two plastic bottles taped together with spaces cut out.

After about 3 minutes of peaceful paddle boating Barbie and Aragorn ended up getting capsized. They had to swim back to the boat to safety. Barbie used the arm circles she'd just learned how to do at swimming lessons. Aragorn needed Barbie's help as his left arm tends to fall off. She had to get them both back to the  boat very quickly as there was a giant yellow nail brush monster in the water.

He he. I could listen to that sort of play chatter for hours.

So easy, a bit silly and lots of fun at bath time- even for our 'big' 4 and 5 year olds.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

bok choy roses

I've seen this kind of stamping done with the base of celery stalks so thought we'd give it a go with some left over bok choy ends.

M made some gift wrap paper ( for mothers day maybe?) and a pretty red rose painting : )

We did something similar last year with an apple and a pear .

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

wheat bag warmness

I've never really loved the kids using hot water bottles. In my 20s I found one that had fallen under my bed and it had sort of melted/ disintegrated/ perished in the short time it was there. I don't know how it did that to itself ( bit odd!) but I've been a wary of them since. 

I don't like the idea of electric blankets either as ours are the sort of kids that would fiddle with the controls and end up falling asleep with them on, or they could get left on while we're out.

So I've decided that wheat bags are the way to go. T has one already so today I made M one using some fabric offcuts. We got the wheat from Piko on Stanmore Rd, it was really cheap-  $6 to fill our wheat bag and I still have plenty left over for other projects.

I've made my mum two mini ones for her jacket pockets. While we were in Wellington she told me she gets cold hands when she's out walking- they're part of her Mother's day present.

Such an easy way to achieve toasty warmness : )

warm hands coming your way mum x

Monday, 22 April 2013

our trip to welly in photos

We just spent the weekend in Wellington with my mum, the rain didn't stop us having a great time and creating lots of happy memories.

 Thanks Nana xo

Saturday, 20 April 2013

masking tape fun

A collection of some fun uses for masking tape- perfect for a rainy day inside.

throw bunched up newspaper and make it stick
