Friday, 16 November 2012

our decos painted

They loved doing this ( so did I). I made a heart for M and a star for T. It's a tradition that I make or buy them hearts and stars every year. For the dough recipe- see my last post.

I experimented with pressing doily patterns in the dough and want to make up another batch just for me and make some little jewellery plates as gifts ( like the picture below). We will make up a batch of this every year. I've had my years of a beautifully colour co- ordinated and themed Christmas tree, from now on it will be decorated with things made by, or for, the kids.

Joining in with the golden adventures of a very dark horse's Christmas tradition linky


  1. OK super super super awesome
    LOVING the crochet doily bottom photo
    MUST give this a go with my kids
