Friday, 16 November 2012

better than salt dough Christmas decos

I came across this recipe here :

We've just made them, it's so much nice to work with than salt dough, stays white when hardening in the oven ands only takes an hour. We're going to keep ours simple with some gold and red paint ( I was feeling very christmasy I bought some gold nail polish we might use too). I'll add another post when we paint ours up.

NOTE- We doubled the recipe and used every piece of it. Cornstarch is the same thing as cornflour. The recipe says 175 degrees but that's F, put them in an 80 C oven.

Use a REALLY clean pot, some tiny bits of black stuff came off our pot - from all the stirring. The husband assures me that you can hardly see them- but I can and it bothers me a bit. I'll be covering those bits with paint ; )

Dust your work surface and rolling pin with cornflour.

I got the cornflour and baking soda from New World, both were in big packets- for less than $3.

Woodside kitchen's photo:

Clay Christmas Decorations

1/2 cup cornstarch
1 cup baking soda
3/4 cup water

Making Clay

In a medium sized pot combine the cornstarch, baking soda, and water. With an adults help the kids can stir this mixture over medium-low heat. After a couple of minutes, the mixture will begin to thicken. When it looks like smooth, mashed potatoes, remove the pot from the heat. Spoon the ball of dough into a bowl and cover it with a damp cloth until it's cool. When it's cool, knead it on a smooth surface, adding a little more cornstarch if it feels sticky.

Rolling, cutting, and baking

Preheat oven to 175 degrees ( 80 C) . Line baking sheet with parchment paper. Roll out clay to 1/4 inch thick on a surface lightly dusted with cornstarch. Use cookie cutters to cut out shapes. Transfer shapes to the prepared baking sheet. Use a straw to poke a hole in the center top of each decoration, then get the kids to blow out the small piece of clay. They love this task! Place them in the oven at 175 degrees for about an hour, turning them over halfway through cooking.

Paint or decorate them and thread a piece of ribbon, twine or yarn through the holes.

M loving using the rolling pin
Joining in with Christmas tradition linky : )


  1. Awesome, totally trying this :)

  2. These look amazing! Thanks for the tip. Will definitely give this a try.

  3. they're so beautiful, i'm going to have a bash at making some too x

  4. Love this! I'm going to make up a bunch of do-ahead mixes of pre-measured cornstarch and baking soda to put in individual plastic sandwich bags. That way I'll always have a bag ready to go when I get the urge to make something out of this. I'll make up a bunch of labels with instructions, including the amount of water, so I don't forget. Thanks so much for posting this! It's great!

  5. Thank you for sharing this! We'll be making these from your page!
