Tuesday, 25 February 2014

more on his lego love

As this is blog for the kids in future, I thought I'd document this. As his mother it fascinates me ( and his dad). He spends hours making these 'creations' and every single one is always absolutely symmetrical. It makes me wonder what that means about him as a wee person and the man he'll be in future- a designer perhaps? A builder, draftsman? An artist?

We LOVE lego.

This one was my Valentines present x


  1. Totally get what you mean - our kids have such a different approach to their lego building - fascinating to watch!

    1. : ) I'm loving building things with it too- win win : )

  2. I love what he has crreated and I agree, I also wonder what they will all end up creating as adults!

    1. We can lego together when we're up next, he's saving up to buy a set at the Wellington shops x
