Saturday, 26 October 2013

my new light shades

I was sitting on the loo at school a few weeks ago and I looked up.  I know, a little too much information but I'm going somewhere with this! Anyway, I noticed that the girl's toilets at my school had very cool industrial type lightshades- and the boy's loo did too. Our school is being demolished this year to make way for a fancy new one in 2014. Well, after asking our Principal for them (and having him admit was one of the strangest requests he's had) I replaced the lightshades with plastic ones and bought these babies home.

I thought they were beige, turns out they were a lovely brushed silver covered in 20 years of dust. I love them : )

Joining in with Max, it's not op shopping but I'm showing off anyway!


  1. Good on you for saving these beautiful (and now trendy again) light shades.
    I hate to think of all the beautiful fittings that get lost when an old building is demolished.

    1. I'm really pleased I was brave enough to ask for them Zara : )

  2. Ahh, brilliant! I officially crown you secondhand shopper of the week. Love these, i love simple, utilitarian stuff like this, ex-school, ex-post shop etc. they look marvellous!

    1. He he thanks, my husband blames my dedicated watching of 'the block' for my fondness of the utilitarian look : )

  3. I applaud you dear daughter! And Nana is laughing with delight at your 'cheap' find! xx

  4. That is brilliant and they are so cool! go you for asking and receiving!
