Friday, 27 September 2013

Things I'm loving...

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful matter how simple it is.

I framed M's first piece of 'school art' this week.

We're having fun with the New World food people are giving us- I'm trying hard to not want a set!

M is enjoying them so much she's started making her own mini foods

and I love that we're at the doing dishes is a novelty stage!

Joining in with Meghan at MNM's


  1. Oh what lovely things this week! Helping and doing chores being a novelty, makes me smile :)

  2. Everybody in NZ is loving those New World minis - we've got a friend collecting for us but we haven't yet got our little hands on them yet. Kids artwork makes me so happy - what a gorgeous piece that is :-)

  3. Encourage the dishes thing for sure. xx
