Friday, 6 September 2013

our favourite books at the moment

 The Littles by John Peterson. We finished this a week or so ago, the first chapeter book we read to our children aged 4 and 5 . They both happily sat through this. It's about a family of 'Littles' who live in the walls of a house and have adventures  : )

Mr Poppers Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater. This is the chapter book we're reading now, the chapters are just the right length to keep the kids interest. Mr Popper gets sent penguins!

By Margaret Mahy, a funny classic that our kids ask to have read over and over and then chat about.

The boy loves this one, it's about a group of lower case letters who do up a fire engine and then go on to help the capital letters fight a fire and save the day!

Piggity- Wiggity Jiggity Jig  by Diana Neild. I love the rhyme and rhythm in this- it's very easy to read, lots of giggles and has a positive message.

Joining in with Stella's ( Golden Adventures of a very dark horse) Bubba Bookclub


  1. Oooh, lots of new ones here that we haven't tried! I have The Littles on our shelf ready to read them as soon as they're ready... Will keep an eye out for these others!

  2. I am going to place The Littles on hold because of you! Thanks!

  3. Piggyty Wiggity! We have loved loved this one! I know it off by heart... scary huh? thanks for the great suggestions!
