Wednesday, 18 September 2013

books books books

I get super excited about book fairs, here's a pile of about half of the bargains I got last weekend. The rest are under pillows, in and probably under beds and stashed in different places on their shelves. I spent $10 and came home with 35+ books for the  kids- happiness!

I dont think you can own too many books.

This is how the girl then spent most of her afternoon...

Both the mum and the book nerd in me were very happy.

Joining in with Max from forThe Op shop Show of ( even though it was a book fair). I don't think she'll mind : )


  1. Anywhere and anything secondhand is fair game to show-off!
    Book fairs really are the best, i haven't been to one for ages! Nothing finer in life than a big pile of new books, (except perhaps for a reading kid). Love it x

  2. book fairs are great. they dont seem to do them here in the UK that i've found. you've got a great pile there!.

    1. Thanks for your comment Kiwirach. I've just been and had a nosey at your blog- bought back memories : )

  3. Gosh I do like a good book fair.
    and i'm with you: I don't think you can ever have too many books. x

    1. Thanks for your comment Zara- I've just had a look see at your blog and am now following- lots of loveliness : )

  4. Absolutely brilliant! One can never have too many! what a great haul!
