Saturday, 6 July 2013

arghhhh 'me treasure map

The boy loves pirates and maps so knew he'd be into making a treasure map. We hid ( and ate) some fruit burst lollies and drew the map for M and two of her friends to follow after school.

1. Draw the map on paper using a black permanent marker and a black ball point pen.

2. Cut or tear the map out  around the edges.

3. Screw the map up int a ball to create crease.

 4. Dip, soak and swoosh it around a bit in a a tray of instant coffee and water.

 4. Sprinkle some extra bits of coffee onto the map for 'age stains' : )

5. Dry it in the oven on bake at 100C until it's dry- making sure you're watching it the whole time. You can also microwave it for 40 seconds or lie it outside in the sun).

6. Add excited kids!

I hope the girls don't find the lollies straight away...

Can you see on the map that there's a row of trees up both sides of the backyard. There's two garages, a deck, some wheelie bins and a table and chairs on the deck. On the table T found a pottery container with a lid- that's where he's hidden the 'treasure' and put an X : )

When we do it again we'll use thicker paper as we got a few rips- adding to the authenticity I guess.

Other ideas:
You could burn some edges of the map- we did  but only just as I was a bit worried it would get away on us! Do it when it's still a bit damp is my advice.
Use textured/ recycled paper
Make pirate party invitations this way or use it as a party game.
Would take some planning but you could hide an individual/  family picnic lunch and make a treasure map to read to find it.
For pirate fans, give them a map on their birthday morning to use to find their presents.

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