Friday, 14 June 2013

things I'm loving

Joining in with MNMs Things I'm Loving

I wholeheartedly believe that no matter what is happening in your life, there is always something you can be thankful matter how simple it is.

These are so good, they're like fruit bursts but yummier

This song, I like the 70s feel to it

Watching swimming lessons, I never tire of watching them splash around 

My new duvet cover set from Ezibuy, sitting in its packet waiting to be put on our bed in our newly fixed up house. Nothing beats new linen. Can I get a big YES to us finally having our EQ repair too.

and finally deciding on paint colours, I'm really looking forward to seeing how it all looks in 6 weeks time...


  1. mmmm, have to try those lollies! and love love that song- would love to go see Bruno Mars next year when he's in NZ!

    1. The lollies are dangerous, I have some in the car for ' the kids' and they're nearly all gone : ) !

  2. Those lollies do sound yummy - and love the duvet and paint colours you have chosen - very soothing :-)
