Thursday, 28 February 2013

a skirt from scraps

I've always loved the look of handmade children's clothing. I can't knit or crochet and I can only just sew so this was a bit of a challenge for me. Last weekend at a friend's birthday party there was a little girl wearing a very cute 'sticky-outy' skirt that her mum had made her. 

It got me thinking; the time that my kids will happily wear things I've made is probably limited, so I may as well have a bit of fun with it while I can.

I used scrappy bits of fabric from my stash and pieced it together like a jigsaw/ quilt. I then sewed a simple hem and elasticated waist band. I think it's sweet- if you don't look to closely at the sewing!

She likes it to try and sew the boy some shorts.....

   a blurry shot of the back- the model had things to do!

 Joining in with Sunshine x3's linky here:


  1. Gorgeous. I don't make things for my girl as much as I should or wish to. Like you say, time may be limited where she will happily wear something made by Mum. Cx

  2. Great's neat when they are keen to wear mumma made clothes...i am sewing for my nieces now cause when you are 14 high fashion is important.LOL xxx
