Tuesday, 23 October 2012

button bracelets

I came across this amazing blog http://pysselbolaget.se/en/ (trans: Craft Company). I think it's in Swedish ( correct me if I'm wrong) but you can translate it to American English on the page. I love these button bracelets, it's hosing down outside so decided to make some with our kids this afternoon. 

We're not short of buttons in this house, I have 2 tins. One was my nana's, I will never use any buttons from that tin as I'd like it kept how it was when I played with them as a child. I'd spend hours lining them up, grouping them in colours or just running them through my hands. Funny the things you remember. After she died, it was the tin of buttons that I asked if I could have to remember her by. That and an old covered in paint metal step stool that I think went to the tip as I was too late saying that I'd like it : (.

Anyway, I've always liked buttons and thought it would be a good way to use some of the nicer coloured ones.

using a peg at the end of the elastic
on elastic up through one button's holes down through the next ones.
M making her threaded through one of the button holes version. The peg didn't work so well for the embroidery cotton so I ended up tying the clasp at one end ( and a ring at the other).
I tried to steer her towards the smaller ones but it seems that wasn't the 'look' she was going for : )


  1. awesome - I love the things you do with yours and the new header is rad!

  2. Thanks Miriam, the header was yummy : )
