Sunday, 14 October 2012

blog love

Miriam the kind and creative soul behind  Create Hope Inspire awarded me with a blogger's sunshine award. She asked that I think of the award as a sort of chain-letter of love without the nasty threats if I don't pass it on! I have to answer 10 questions about myself and then pass it on to others, so here I go : )

1. Why the title for your blog?
'Milk and honey' is a metaphor meaning 'all good things'. I liked it for that reason and also because our kids like drinking lots of milk and eating honey sandwiches : )
2. What piece of clothing works the hardest in your wardrobe?
My shoes, I'm not nice to shoes and they never last long.
3. If you had to choose only 3 pieces of clothing to wear for the next month (underwear excluded) what pieces would you choose?
Jeans, a floaty top and cute comfy flats.
4. Which blog do you find consistently inspires you? (could be your faith, your craft, design, clothing, or just general attitude).
I love Stella's verydarkhorse as she is wonderfully creative and resourceful.
5. On a menu what can you never resist?
Anything lemony.
6. If you could choose 3 words to describe yourself what would they be?
Loving, creative, organised.
7. What colour can you never go past?
8. City Apartment, Country Mansion, Beach House, Wild Wilderness - which would you choose for a holiday?
Beach house, I feel like some consistently warm weather and sitting in a  deck chair next to the hubby watching our kids play in the sand would be my idea of bliss right now.
9. Best piece of advice you have ever been given
To accept the things I cannot change, have courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
10. Collections - did you have one as a child? Do you have one now?
I collected stamps and stickers as a child. Pre earthquakes I had a huge 'sphere' collection- some were pottery, some glass- all got smashed! I like to start collecting vintage bottles.

I'll be passing this on to:

Shelley at She sells sea shells as she's fun and lovely and her blog is 'laugh tea out of your nose funny' ( and she's my sister in law).
Kristeen at Capital Living because she inspires me in lots of ways, one being to cook her yummy recipes for my family (and she's my mum).

I think you should also visit:
Angela  striking keys
Stella  very dark horse
Megan  mousehouse
Merrilee  mer mag
Maddie colour me there
Gina the daily B
Meghan MNM's

That was fun : )


  1. awwww... thank you my darling girl, funny - so many things you like - me too!

  2. awesome - some new blogs for me to check out there :o)
