Friday, 20 July 2012

rainbow mobile

Later today we're going for a play date at a little friend's place. He likes colourful things too so we thought we'd make him a gift. I wanted to make something out of materials we already had at home and then share it for the colour me there colour me happy july challenge.

A few weeks ago I bought a packet of ice block sticks to make the cd pom pom maker so used some of those, some wooden beads, fishing string, a toggle off an old top of T's and a metal ring as the hanger.

After drilling a small hole through the ice block sticks we just threaded the beads on in order.

It's such a simple wee mobile but I think that's we I like it. It also only took 10 minutes to make and was simple enough for the children to put together themselves. We think our little friend will like it.

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