Saturday, 7 April 2012


I made the kids an Easter lunch today, fruit served in an egg shape with egg shaped french toast and cheese cut out like bunnies- I hear you, who cares ( and why bother?!). Our kids love thins kind of thing as a surprise from time to time and I love seeing happy smiley kids at meal times.

Bento (弁当 bentō) is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japanese cuisine. A traditional bento consists of rice, fish or meat, and one or more pickled or cooked vegetables, usually in a box-shaped container. It is still common for Japanese homemakers to spend time and energy for their spouse, child, or themselves producing a carefully prepared lunch box.

that is one happy looking sandwich

he eh snowmen rice balls!

what kid wouldn't want to eat that?

Here is a website I like that has about 170 lunchboxes displayed on it- great when there's no bread in the house or if something new/ different is needed.

over 100 lunch box ideas 

and here is a link to my Pinterest page that has all of the fun foodie things I've found on my web wanderings.

fun kids food

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