Sunday, 31 August 2014


It's been a while...

Today the kids actually asked ( they practically begged me) if they could do something creative. I had some of these square wooden pieces left over from a school project that I thought we could use. They actually came up with the idea to make a jigsaw puzzle each.

We painted a coat of white paint first. When that was dry we blue-tacked the squares to the table so they wouldn't move around when they were drawing on them. T drew a dinosaur and M a fairy scene. They used pastels to add colour so I gave them both a coat of clear polyurethane spray to finish.

They both want to take them to school on Monday : )

Friday, 22 August 2014

a scrummy product review

Some time ago I was sent ( from Kiwi Mummy Blogs)  some de-lish sugar free drink mixes to trial and review. They are made by Vitarium.

They are sweetened with Nativa so will not hurt precious wee teeth. They are also DE-LICIOUS.

The kids have them in milk and we have even sprinkled them on icecream and on top of cupcakes as instead of 100s and 1000s.

All flavours banana, strawberry and (my fave) chocolate,  are available at New World 

Check out the websites below for recipes and more products.

More info here:

Their facebook page

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Saturday, 16 August 2014

T's doll design

A few months ago Dee from tiny eyes and needle 'n nail asked children to submit doll designs and inspire her make up 6 dolls to auction for the charity Heart kids. I really love her dolls and this idea so I encouraged M and T to enter. T's clown design was one that was chosen. He's been so excited to see his clown coming together. Check out both fb pages and thier website just beautiful things.

Here's a link that shows the kid's clever designs and an explanation of their inspiration

We don't need to bid, Dee has kindly offered to make up a doll- slightly different for us - whew! I have to have this gorgeous clown doll so it could've become spendy!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

A book find

We went to the library yesterday and T was so excited over finding this book. A perfect pressie for Lego mad kids.

It combines his love of Lego with something that he's been curious about for a while- Star Wars. We all watched Return of the Jedi today. It's our favourite of the films and we thought it would be the one the kids would like most- with Jabba, Chewbacca, Yoda and the Ewoks. J and I worked out that we were 9 when we saw it first, they were a bit younger but there weren't that many scary bits.

It is a book I spent quite some time pouring over, Lego is the best and I have to admit ( like millions of others) to having a bit of a soft spot for lovely wee Yoda.

Lego and Star wars are fantastic in our ( me + hubby's) opinion so we had a great rainy family arvo- made all the nicer by the fact that only the tv in our room plays movies, so we all had to lie on the bed together to watch.
I bet he writes about it at school tomorrow.

Some of his favourite pages

I found a copy of the book on book depository for