Thursday, 24 July 2014

thumb print pictures

This was fun, we used ink pads, wee thumbs and paper and pens and happily designed for over an hour. The idea is to make 1, 2 or 3 thumb prints and then use the pen to alter them in some way. I loved seeing what they came up with.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

a pretty dream catcher

M had complained that her dream catcher wasn't working so I thought we'd make up a new one. I was inspired by this picture...

So we gathered materials, string, cord, broken bits off hair clips, beads and string.

Friday, 11 July 2014

loooove air drying clay

We had family here for the day yesterday. We had a wee bit of air dry clay left over and H was particularly keen to use it. I love this stuff, if you haven't used it with your kids before you should!

 I loved listening to their talk around it,

" I'm making a smiley hedgehog"
" I've got enough to make some spots"
"Mine looks like a penguin"
"What are you making?"
" My butterfly needs antene"
" I'm going to paint mine when it's dry"

I also love this picture, all happily creating.

Sunday, 6 July 2014

tissue paper lanterns

We went to the first Kids Fest event tonight- a lantern parade with fireworks at the end ( It was reeeeeally cold but good fun. A few hours before it started I invited some friends and their kids over to ours to make paper lanterns. I don't have photos as we were too busy making them but we followed the instructions here. We used some long straws I found at the $2 shop instead of willow sticks and a glow stick instead of a candle. No candle meant we didn't have to make a cross at the base- and it wasn't dangerous! If you didn't make it this year go in 2015, it's good fun. There's something extra exciting for kids about being out and about in the dark!